Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Analysis Services and EXCEL 2010 for Business Analysis

Microsoft office riched Office Excel 2010 for analytical purpose.
Using Sparkline, Slicers, Conditional formating made dashboards much faster and attractive.

Easy to establish connection with SSAS 2008 over HTTP.
See link to configure your SSAS 2008 over HTTP,

Connection Establishment and Step to be followed:

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Connection is established, just click and use cube measures and dimensions.
Pretty cool reports and dashboards if you have well designed cube.

Now this file can be shared with any one. Data > Refresh All will refresh the data.

Configuring HTTP Access to SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services on Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Now its easy to connect with SSAS2008 over HTTP.
See the following link,
This is an easy way to connect either using C#.NET or EXCEL 2010.

Summary: This link is intended for anyone who is interested in providing access to SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services through HTTP protocol.The link explains the steps required to set up HTTP access and discusses different performance and security settings. All the instructions in this paper are specific to the Microsoft Windows® Server™ 2008 operating system.
