Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What is Business Intelligence and Data warehouse

  • Business Intelligence is the process of turning data into information so business can make better decision.
  • BI is an extension of data warehousing.
  • BI often involves in consolidating data from different data source.
  • A single BI solution can often deliver data to a wide variety of users throughout an organization.
  • DW is the process of taking data from one or more sources and consolidating it.
  • Once the data is in warehouse, a variety of tools can be used to view and analyze the data.
  • DM (data mining) is a process of using statistical algorithms.
  • Identity relationship between data elements
  • Forecast future performance
  • Find trends in data

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Its kind of free hand with data but in organized way.
    Also it depends how you have designed your cube?
